Iberoamerican Journal of Medicine
Iberoamerican Journal of Medicine

How to Use Moulage as a Simulation Tool in Medical Education?

Said Said Elshama

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The promotion of student engagement in simulation-based learning depends on authenticity, fidelity, and realism. Moulage is a simulation of illnesses or physical signs onto standardized patient or manikin via using makeup techniques or other elements acting as visual and tactile cues to promote learner engagement through more real-world experience. Therefore, moulage may be used broadly in medical education wherein its authenticity helps to improve the learning outcomes and performance of students in different medical branches such as dermatology, surgery, emergency medicine, anatomy, and forensic medicine. Nowadays, Moulage is already used in the assessment of a medical student as well as in the learning process in many medical schools. However, although the use of moulage as a creative simulation tool in medical education has a positive impact on the educational process, it faces many obstacles and challenges at the same time along with its tangible benefits. Therefore, moulage is not magic as well as it is not fantasy or mock, but it is a fantastic vehicle for representing and simulating the real event promoting realism and motivating students' engagement and immersion.


Simulation; Moulage; Medical Education


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