Iberoamerican Journal of Medicine
Iberoamerican Journal of Medicine
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Efficacy of silver nanoparticles in chronic periodontitis patients: a clinico-microbiological study

Pooja Kadam, Swapna Mahale, Prasad Sonar, Dipali Chaudhari, Shraddha Shimpi, Ankita Kathurwar

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Introduction: Recent advances in nanotechnology have introduced new therapeutic materials for periodontal therapy. Previous studies showed that nanoparticles of silver provide high antibacterial activity. Taking this in consideration, it can be used in nonsurgical periodontal therapy. The present study focuses on efficacy of subgingival local drug delivery of silver nanoparticles in comparison with tetracycline in chronic periodontitis.
Methods: To understand the effect of silver nanoparticles and tetracycline gel in chronic periodontitis, patients which were divided in different: Group A: Scaling and root planning (SRP) with sub-gingival delivery of silver nanoparticles gel, Group B: SRP with sub-gingival delivery of tetracycline gel and Group C: SRP alone. The other data recorded was Plaque Index (PI), Gingival Index (GI), Probing Pocket Depth (PPD) and Clinical Attachment Level (CAL) at baseline (just before placement of gel), 1 month and 3 months of application of gel. Microbiological evaluation (Colony Forming Units, CFU) were recorded at baseline and after 3 months.
Results: The results showed that the use of silver nanoparticles delivery after SRP was as efficacious as tetracycline subgingival delivery to treat chronic periodontitis patients. All the clinical as well as microbiological parameters showed statistically significant difference from baseline to 3 months in all the groups.
Conclusions: As compared to other therapeutic modalities employed against infection, silver nanoparticles gel is non-toxic at given concentration, has no side effects and does not require complicated application method or any complex armamentarium. It is well tolerated and well accepted by the patients. Silver nanoparticles gel with SRP gives promising results and it can definitely aid in periodontal diseases.


Silver nanoparticles; Periodontitis; Chronic periodontitis


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