Iberoamerican Journal of Medicine
Iberoamerican Journal of Medicine
Case Report

Giant gastroschisis with complete gastric herniation: A case report and review of the literature

Bamidele Johnson Alegbeleye

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Introduction: We report a case of gastroschisis seen in our center, highlighting the rarity of this clinical entity. The author equally reviewed the existing literature covering the epidemiology, etiopathogenesis, management options, and outcomes of gastroschisis in low-income countries in sub-Saharan Africa and compares the reports with middle-income and high-income countries across the world.
Case presentation: A preterm female neonate with a clinical diagnosis of gastroschisis at a primary care center was referred to the Neonatology Service of our tertiary care institution. She received optimal resuscitation and interdisciplinary management. Besides, the baby underwent an initial covering with an improvised silo bag of exposed bowel with unfavorable outcomes.
Conclusion: The specific etiological factors for gastroschisis are yet to be established. The condition is considered a multifactorial disease. More frequently than ever, it's becoming easy to make prenatal diagnosis utilizing ultrasonography with high yield. Gastroschisis is a low-prevalence disease with an excellent prognosis if initial management is adequate. Interestingly, the condition requires highly skilled personnel of both specialized and primary care. Once the clinicians are well equipped, they can readily ensure correct initial management. Besides, the patient can equally benefit from an appropriate and timely referral to tertiary care centers to avoid future complications.


Gastroschisis; Congenital anomaly; Anterior abdominal wall defects; Low-resource setting


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