Iberoamerican Journal of Medicine
Iberoamerican Journal of Medicine

Critical Care Nursing

Siniša Franjić

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Everyday routine jobs, as well as suddenly specific situations, as well as severe medical conditions of a nurse, can be considerably psychophysically exhausted. It is therefore important for nurses to find a model to deal effectively with stress and the severity of working conditions. Higher levels of education and lifelong learning contribute to finding new strategies that facilitate work in the intensive care unit. Qualities that give importance to nurse's are communication skills, emotional stability, empathy, flexibility, interpersonal skills, physical endurance, respect, knowledge and many others. The role of a nurse is to establish a balance between technique and humanity, or to bring humanity in the care of a patient, because no one device will replace the caring and sympathy of the nurse.


Critical Care; Patient; Nurse


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3. Catalano JT. Nursing Now - Today's Issues Tomorrow's Trends. 5th ed. Philadelphia FA Davis Company; 2008.
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10. Samanta J. The Critically Ill Patient. In: Tingle J, Cribb A, editors. Nursing Law and Ethics, 4th ed. Chichester, UK. Blackwell Publishing Ltd, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd; 2014:249-50.
11. Fernandes L. Role of the LNC in Criminal Cases. In: Peterson AM, White, CE, Hoffman C, Patrick-Panchelli T, Rogers B, editors. Legal Nurse Consulting Practices, 3rd ed. Boca Raton, USA. American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group; 2010:96.

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