Iberoamerican Journal of Medicine
Iberoamerican Journal of Medicine
Brief Report

Therapeutic Efficacy of Functional Task with Unilateral AFO and Knee Gaiter versus Bobath Intervention on Patients Gait Dysfunction in Stroke Population - A Comparative Study

Thangavelu Karthikeyan

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Introduction: Stroke is defined as sudden onset of focal neurological deficit lasting more than 24 hours duration. There are several complications derived from these illness, including neurological disorders like gait dysfunction. Attending to this problem, some treatments have been developed, including ankle foot orthosis (AFO), knee gaiter and bobath intervention. The aim of this study is to compare the efficacy of functional task in patients affected by stroke.
Material and Methods: Timed up and go (TUG) was the measurement evaluated. A total of 10 stroke patient were recruited for the study. 5 (Group A) received treatment with Functional Task Intervention with AFO knee gaiter). Group B (n=5) were treated with Bobath Intervention. The inclusion criteria were unilateral stroke with 3-6 months duration after onset, age limit 45-65 years and ability to comprehend the instructions for testing procedures. The exclusion criteria were bilateral stroke, mental dysfunction, non cooperative patients, cognitive and perceptual dysfunction, visual and auditory impairment and orthopedic disorders that impair ambulation.
Results: The pretest mean score of Group A was 30.18 and the post-test mean score was 13.08. On the other hand, group B patients obtained a pre-test mean score of 31.48 and the post-test mean score was 18.04.
Conclusion: The result of the present comparative study concluded that the functional task intervention with unilateral AFO and knee gaiter was more effective than Bobath intervention on stroke population.


Functional Task; Bobath; Knee Gaiter; Gait dysfunction; Stroke


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