Iberoamerican Journal of Medicine
Iberoamerican Journal of Medicine
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Antiviral proteinase inhibitors of plant and animal origin

Valentina Divocha, Irina Komarevzeva

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Introduction: Over the past 10 years, much attention has been paid to the development of new antiviral drugs based on the suppression of the proteolytic activity of enzymes by trypsin inhibitors of plant and animal origin.
Material and methods: We used a trypsin inhibitor from barley, trielin- (isolated by employees of the Agro-Industrial Institute of Selection and Genetics of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences from the salivary glands of a dog); ovomukoid (isolated from duck eggs by employees of N, I, Bach Research Institute of Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences); Influenza virus APR 8/34 (fourth passage), adapted to the lungs of mice at a dose of 20 LD /0.1 ml, titre HA( hemagglutenin) 1:32) ,white BALB/c mice weighing 12-14 g. Infection with influenza virus and treatment with inhibitors was carried out intranasally under light ether anesthesia. Doses studied were: 0.5mg/ml; 2.5 mg/ml; 5.0 mg/ml; The treatment regimen of 10 mg/ml differed only in the initial stages (1 hour before infection, during infection and 1 hour after infection, and then 6 hours after infection, 24 hours after infection, 48 hours after infection, 72 hours after infection and 96 hours after infection).
Results and discussion: We found that an in vivo inhibitor from barley at a dose of 10 g/l delayed the development of influenza for 8 days. The ovomukoid possessed only prophylactic properties at a dose of 100 gamma / ml. With an increase in dose, it was toxic to animals. Trielin at a dose of 10 g/l had a pronounced therapeutic effect in influenza and was not toxic. The presence of hemagglutinin influenza virus in the lungs of treated mice was observed only on the 10th day after infection; 40% of the animals remained alive for 14 days (observation period).


Influenza virus; Tripsin-like proteinase; Inhibitor


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