Iberoamerican Journal of Medicine
Iberoamerican Journal of Medicine
Case Report

Popliteal artery thrombosis and compartment syndrome in a knee dislocation, a case report

Lucía Vilella-Llop, Marianna Affinito, José Eugenio Belarra-Gorrochategui

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Complete knee dislocation (CSF) is an uncommon lesion that should receive immediate attention due to the danger of secondary complications. Anterior dislocations are the most frequently observed, revealing usually concomitant complications of the stabilizing structure of the knee and is often accompanied by neurovascular lesions, including popliteal thrombosis and compartment syndrome. According to that, the literature reveals different approach in the diagnosis process to despite this complications attending to the physical exploration as well as the mechanism of the injury. According to that, closed reduction in the operation room to resolve the dislocation and confirm suspected complications are also suggested.
A purpose of a case of a patient with a complete anterior dislocation of the left knee, we summarize a brief review of this pathology.


Knee dislocation; Compartment syndrome; Popliteal artery; Emergency Department


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